Hello, and welcome to API Test Automation with Postman.

My name is Beth Marshall, and I'm absolutely delighted to say I'll be your instructor on this course.

In this course, we'll be talking about all things Postman - the most used API collaboration platform in the world.

In the last year or so, Postman's undergone some major transformations.

We'll be taking a look around the tool itself, so you can become familiar with Postman's latest look and feel.

We'll also be showing you cool tips and techniques for taking your Postman test automation to the next level - including mocking, workspaces, public and team shared workspaces and version control, and monitoring APIs through Postman's monitor feature.

Finally, we'll bring it all together by running our tests through the Newman command-line runner, adding time-saving features like reports and automatically running your tests through GitHub Actions when you push code.

By the end of this course, you'll really feel like you're making the most of all the freely available features Postman has to offer to turbocharge the effectiveness of your API testing.

It's important to note that this course kicks off where Amber Race's incredible course on API testing in Test Automation University ended.

That is, although this course is still aimed at those beginning their API testing journey and it can be done in isolation, Amber's course gives you a foundational understanding of API testing, whereas this course dives deeper into Postman as a tool for API testing and collaboration.

If you're listening to this and you want to hear answers to great questions, such as - what is an API? How can I write my first API test? Or how to integrate with CI/CD tools such as Jenkins? - I’d recommend starting with her course first.

If you want to learn how Postman can help you take your testing to the next level, then you're in the right place.

Ready? Let's begin.


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