Hello, and welcome to Selenium 4 with Java. I will be your instructor, Rex Jones II.

If you need a foundation of Selenium with Java, then I recommend 3 courses.

In this course, we will focus on the new features for Selenium 4.

There are 7 chapters.

In the first chapter, we will install Selenium 4. It's the official Selenium 4.0 version.

The next chapter is W3C WebDriver Protocol.

It replaced the JSON Wire Protocol and has some advantages for our automation test scripts.

The third chapter is Relative Locators. It originally was called Friendly Locators, and it helps us to find elements in relation to other elements.

Fourth chapter is, Managing Windows and Managing Tabs. It's a built-in method that automatically switches focus to the new window or new tab.

After Managing Windows & Tabs, is the Element Position with getRect().

It combines 2 methods that allows us to get the position and the dimension of an element.

The sixth chapter is Screenshots. We are going to take a screenshot of the web element and take a full-page screenshot.

Last chapter is CDP, Chrome DevTools Protocol. It's an API that helps us to debug an application. I will start with an introduction to CDP, then transition to viewing a browser's console logs. The last 2 parts include mocking a geolocation and emulating the network conditions.

Before we get started, I want to thank a few people who I appreciate starting with Angie Jones.

Thank you for an opportunity to be an instructor at Test Automation University.

Next are the people behind Selenium.

For all these years, I want to thank Simon Stewart, Jim Evans, David Burns, Titus Fortner, Diego Molina, and Manoj Kumar.

If you did not know, Simon is stepping down as the lead for Selenium. However, here's the structure for Selenium.

  • We have the Technical Committee, the Project Leadership Committee.
  • We also have the Tech Leadership Committee.
  • We have the Committers, and Triagers.
  • At the bottom, we have the sponsors that include Applitools.

You can find me on my website at RexJones2.com.

You can also follow me on Twitter, connect with me on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook.

The source code will be available on GitHub. Next, is the first chapter.


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